Sample Tournament Schedule
Sample schedule for tournaments:
Registration/check-in: 8:00-9:00
Extemp Prep – Rd 1 draw: 9:00
Judge meeting: 9:00-9:15
Rd 1: 9:30-12:00
Pattern A events: 9:30-10:45
Pattern B events: 10:45-12:00
PF/LD Rd 1A: 9:30-10:20
PF/LD Rd 1B: 10:20-11:10
Policy Rd 1: 9:30-11:10
Extemp Prep – Rd 2 draw: 11:30
Rd2: 12:00-2:30
Pattern A events: 12:00-1:15
Pattern B events: 1:15-2:30
PF/LD Rd 2A: 12:00-12:50
PF/LD Rd 2B: 12:50-1:40
Policy Rd 2: 12:00-1:40
Extemp Prep – Rd 3 draw: 2:00
Rd3: 2:30-5:00
Pattern A events: 2:30-3:45
Pattern B events: 3:45-5:00
PF/LD Rd 3A: 2:30-3:20
PF/LD Rd 3B: 3:20-4:10
Policy Rd 3: 2:30-4:10
Awards ceremony: 5:30
News and Information:
Message from the League Director